Sven Says Sweat!
So I signed up for the 70 Days of Sweat writing challenge.
Really, if anyone discovers how to clone oneself, I’ll be first in line. It’s the only way I can accomplish everything I need to do. I have one novel that needs revising and two more in process.
See those progress bars in my sidebar? Those are my projects. REMEMBRANCER has been languishing for months, but I think I know now what’s stalled it. HUNTED is coming along nicely. SILENT ELEGIAC is a short story that I’m currently shopping around. AVATAR is my novel in revision. All are Science Fiction, except HUNTED, which is a Paranormal Romance.
I’m nuts! But I am writing and have been averaging about 1,000 words a day on my own, so I should be able to do the 750-word Sven Challenge minimum. What’s different about this challenge is that we actually get days off. Downtime. R&R. Imagine that.
I’m supposed to check in with the group every Wednesday and Sunday, and I’ll try to post here as well about my progress. But if I start babbling incoherently it’s not my fault.
Go Lisa! I didn’t know you were sweating with Sven! 🙂 I’m procrastinating. I should be writing but I’d much rather be sleeping or something else totally less productive. I wonder if I can count today as one of my none writing days and kick it into gear tomorrow?
Hi Lisa
Glad you’re in the challenge! I love Sweat70… it really helps me because sometimes I do struggle to write 1000 or even 750 words per day, and being part of a big, global group effort like this really spurs me on. 🙂
Enjoy the ‘sweat’!