Danger Gal Friday: Anna Diaz

This week’s Danger Gal Friday post goes to Anna Diaz as portrayed by Rosario Dawson in the new Web series Gemini Division.

Diaz is an NYPD undercover vice cop after the people who murdered her fiance is Nick Corda, an artificial lifeform created by the military as a super-warrior. From the Gemini Division web site:

Determined to bring the people responsible to justice, Anna discovers Nick was not the man she thought – in fact, he wasn’t a man at all. Nick Korda was a “Simulant” – a bio-engineered life form – connected to a global conspiracy involving covert military operations, bizarre genetic experiments… and a mysterious organization known as GEMINI DIVISION.

IO9 isn’t too thrilled with the show so far, but I think it’s premature to pass judgment. I so far like the format and I obviously like that Diaz is the main POV character. I’ve liked Dawson in other roles, so I’ll continue to watch before deciding whether I like it or not.

However, I am seriously annoyed that their Flash video player crashed my Firefox twice. If they’re expecting people to actually watch these videos online, then that just can’t happen. I was also unable to grab the code to embed the Flash video here, hence the You Tube version of the second trailer.