Books Read 2006

Every year my little group of friends share our lists of the books we’ve read over the course of the previous year. Below is my list from 2006. It’s near impossible for me to choose favorites since I loved them all. I’m at the point now where if I don’t love a book I stop reading it. My time to read is just so scarce that I’m not going to waste it on a book that doesn’t really grab me, which is something to think about with my own writing projects.

For fun, check out my reading lists for 2005 and 2004. And while you’re at it, check out my friend Berty’s list.

  1. Donnerjack, Roger Zelazny
  2. There’s a New Witch In Town (unpublished), Tawny Weber
  3. Hot Target, Suzanne Brockmann
  4. Breaking Point, Suzanne Brockmann
  5. Dime Store Magic, Kelley Armstrong
  6. Industrial Magic, Kelley Armstrong
  7. Haunted, Kelley Armstrong
  8. Jane Millionaire, Janice Lynn
  9. The Power of Two, Patti O’Shea
  10. Broken, Kelley Armstrong
  11. Dark Lover, J.R. Ward
  12. Lover Eternal, J.R. Ward
  13. Lover Awakened, J.R. Ward
  14. Unmasked, C.J. Barry
  15. Spook, Mary Roach
  16. Nylon Angel, Marianne de Pierres
  17. Accidental Goddess, Linnea Sinclair
  18. Gabriel’s Ghost, Linnea Sinclair
  19. Finders Keepers, Linnea Sinclair
  20. Blue Moon, Lori Handelund
  21. What Went Wrong? The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East, Bernard Lewis